Action plan, Resolution, and ENERGIZE Williamstown
In May 2024, Williamstown's Net Zero Task Force adopted a Climate Action Plan to guide town efforts to achieve net zero emissions. The plan includes a summary document, and plans for the residential, municipal, and institutional/commercial sectors. You can view the action plan documents below:
Residential plan
Municipal plan
Williamstown passed a resolution at the June 2021 Town Meeting to adopt a net zero emissions resolution proposing the Town of Williamstown pursue a Net Zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions goal consistent with the GHG limits established by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The resolution requires developing and implementing a comprehensive climate action plan by 2023 in collaboration with the community whereby we:
take action to support clean, efficient, affordable, renewable technologies and approaches to heating, cooling and powering our homes and businesses; fueling our vehicles; minimizing and disposing of waste; and other activities to achieve a Net Zero GHG emissions goal;
include consideration of our Net Zero GHG emissions goal and climate change impacts in all municipal decisions and planning and procurement activities;
take action to prepare for the impacts of a changing climate;
ensure that our climate actions recognize the needs of vulnerable members of our community and are inclusive and equitable;
employ strategies consistent with the road map outlined in state policies and legislation.
Slideshow about Net Zero Resolution
Media coverage:
Williamstown Selectboard Gets Update on Climate Action Plan
Williamstown's Net Zero Effort to Be Subject of Panel Discussion
Town CO2 Lowering Committee proposes Net Zero Resolution

Join your friends and neighbors at energizewilliamstown.org
The Energize Williamstown website allows you to learn how to take action and report progress, including steps you’ve already taken to move us toward net zero.
Help Williamstown achieve our Climate Action Plan goals! Share your contact information to get updates, stay informed, and learn how to get involved!